Vulnerability Tools:NOTES

Vulnerability Tools:NOTES



Open source tool used to scan web servers; Vulnerability scans for known issues; Checks for configuration errors;



Scans for exposed secrets such as API Keys, Passwords and Token; Identifies sensitive information;



Open Source; Scans container images; Identifies known vulnerabilities; Scan file systems;



Specialised tool to scan Kubernetes Clusters for potential vulnerabilities and configuration issues; Can run on any machine in a cluster; Can run in a pod within the cluster (Internal Scanning);


Greenbone OpenVAS

Full featured vulnerability scanner; Authenticated and unauthenticated testing; Internet and industrial protocols; Diverse infrastructures; Performance tuning features; Internal programming language;



Mapping out Active Directory Environments and potential attack paths; Sharphound gathers data about users which bloodhound visualises;

AD Explorer – Active Directory Structure

AD Recon – Deep enumeration on AD Environments; Users and Groups;

Ping Castle – Assesses Security Health of AD Environments; Risk assessment mode;

Grouper – Enumerates AD Groups; Privilege escalation risks




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