Exploit Tools:NOTES

Exploit Tools:NOTES


Identifies potential exploits and provides ability to execute;


Creates communication channels between two systems; Installed on linux, Install Nmap on windows to access ncat command; Put a system into listening state for remote connection later; Listening over ports; Remote connection to devices;


Used to craft network packets and perform network exploitation tasks; From Github; Has builtin scripts; [MOST USEFUL AFTER ENUMERATING A LOGIN AND PASSWORD] EG SMBClient manipulation and renumeration; AD Directory user ID enumeration; Password Hash Enumeration; Exploit WMIExec;


Uses protocols (SMB, LDAP, WInRM, MSSQL) to collect information about a group of systems; Discover computers on a network; Dictionary Attacks; Retrieve SAM databases; Executable with hashes or passwords;


Generate Custom Payloads; Reverse Connections; Send malware to systems that when executed will connect back your machine (The Listener); Once connected execute file system commands, networking commands, system commands (clear logs!), Keylogging, Screenshots, Webcam access, Elevate commands, and much more;

Hydra – Brute Force Passwords;

Responder – Poisoning Attacks; Retrieve Hashes;

John – CrackHashes;

hping – custom ping messages;


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