Brim vs Wireshark vs Zeek

While each of them is powerful and useful, it is good to know the strengths and weaknesses of each tool and which one to use for the best outcome. As a traffic capture analyser, some overlapping functionalities exist, but each one has a unique value for different situations.

The common best practice is handling medium-sized pcaps with Wireshark, creating logs and correlating events with Zeek, and processing multiple logs in Brim.

PurposePcap processing; event/stream and log investigation.Traffic sniffing. Pcap processing; packet and stream investigation.Pcap processing; event/stream and log investigation.
Pcap processing
Log processing
Packet decoding
Signature Support
File Extraction
Handling  pcaps over 1GBMedium performanceLow performanceGood performance
Ease of Management4/54/53/5

Brim Query Reference

PurposeSyntaxExample Query
Basic searchYou can search any string and numeric value.Find logs containing an IP address or any value.
Logical operatorsOr, And, Not.Find logs contain three digits of an IP AND NTP keyword.192 and NTP
Filter values"field name" == "value"Filter source
List specific log file contents_path=="log name"List the contents of the conn log file._path=="conn"
Count field valuescount () by "field"Count the number of the available log files.count () by _path
Sort findingssortCount the number of the available log files and sort recursively.count () by _path | sort -r
Cut specific field from a log file_path=="conn" | cut "field name"Cut the source IP, destination port and destination IP addresses from the conn log file._path=="conn" | cut id.orig_h, id.resp_p, id.resp_h
List unique valuesuniqShow the unique network connections.  _path=="conn" | cut id.orig_h, id.resp_p, id.resp_h | sort | uniq

Note: It is highly suggested to use field names and filtering options and not rely on the blind/irregular search function. Brim provides great indexing of log sources, but it is not performing well in irregular search queries. The best practice is always to use the field filters to search for the event of interest.

Communicated HostsIdentifying the list of communicated hosts is the first step of the investigation. Security analysts need to know which hosts are actively communicating on the network to detect any suspicious and abnormal activity in the first place. This approach will help analysts to detect possible access violations, exploitation attempts and malware infections. Query: _path=="conn" | cut id.orig_h, id.resp_h | sort | uniq
Frequently Communicated HostsAfter having the list of communicated hosts, it is important to identify which hosts communicate with each other most frequently. This will help security analysts to detect possible data exfiltration, exploitation and backdooring activities. Query: _path=="conn" | cut id.orig_h, id.resp_h | sort | uniq -c | sort -r
Most Active PortsSuspicious activities are not always detectable in the first place. Attackers use multiple ways of hiding and bypassing methods to avoid detection. However, since the data is evidence, it is impossible to hide the packet traces. Investigating the most active ports will help analysts to detect silent and well-hidden anomalies by focusing on the data bus and used services.  Query: _path=="conn" | cut id.resp_p, service | sort | uniq -c | sort -r count Query:  _path=="conn" | cut id.orig_h, id.resp_h, id.resp_p, service | sort id.resp_p | uniq -c | sort -r 
Long ConnectionsFor security analysts, the long connections could be the first anomaly indicator. If the client is not designed to serve a continuous service, investigating the connection duration between two IP addresses can reveal possible anomalies like backdoors. Query: _path=="conn" | cut id.orig_h, id.resp_p, id.resp_h, duration | sort -r duration
Transferred DataAnother essential point is calculating the transferred data size. If the client is not designed to serve and receive files and act as a file server, it is important to investigate the total bytes for each connection. Thus, analysts can distinguish possible data exfiltration or suspicious file actions like malware downloading and spreading. Query: _path=="conn" | put total_bytes := orig_bytes + resp_bytes | sort -r total_bytes | cut uid, id, orig_bytes, resp_bytes, total_bytes
DNS and HTTP QueriesIdentifying suspicious and out of ordinary domain connections and requests is another significant point for a security analyst. Abnormal connections can help detect C2 communications and possible compromised/infected hosts. Identifying the suspicious DNS queries and HTTP requests help security analysts to detect malware C2 channels and support the investigation hypothesis. Query: _path=="dns" | count () by query | sort -r Query: _path=="http" | count () by uri | sort -r
Suspicious HostnamesIdentifying suspicious and out of ordinary hostnames helps analysts to detect rogue hosts. Investigating the DHCP logs provides the hostname and domain information. Query: _path=="dhcp" | cut host_name, domain
Suspicious IP AddressesFor security analysts, identifying suspicious and out of ordinary IP addresses is essential as identifying weird domain addresses. Since the connection logs are stored in one single log file (conn), filtering IP addresses is more manageable and provides more reliable results. Query: _path=="conn" | put classnet := network_of(id.resp_h) | cut classnet | count() by classnet | sort -r
Detect FilesInvestigating transferred files is another important point of traffic investigation. Performing this hunt will help security analysts to detect the transfer of malware or infected files by correlating the hash values. This act is also valuable for detecting transferring of sensitive files. Query: filename!=null
SMB ActivityAnother significant point is investigating the SMB activity. This will help analysts to detect possible malicious activities like exploitation, lateral movement and malicious file sharing. When running an investigation, it is suggested to ask, "What is going on in SMB?". Query: _path=="dce_rpc" OR _path=="smb_mapping" OR _path=="smb_files"
Known PatternsKnown patterns represent alerts generated by security solutions. These alerts are generated against the common attack/threat/malware patterns and known by endpoint security products, firewalls and IDS/IPS solutions. This data source highly relies on available signatures, attacks and anomaly patterns. Investigating available log sources containing alerts is vital for a security analyst. Brim supports the Zeek and Suricata logs, so any anomaly detected by these products will create a log file. Investigating these log files can provide a clue where the analyst should focus. Query: event_type=="alert" or _path=="notice" or _path=="signatures"
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